Tag Archives: internet

6 Steps to Networking Success for the Holidays. Turning the Holiday Season into Your Most Successful Networking Event Ever.

The holiday season, Thanksgiving right through New Years, is a great time of year, not only to celebrate family and friends, but with all the holiday gatherings, it’s the longest networking event of the year. All you need are some guidelines to make it successful for you.

As I have said for over 30 years, networking is all about creating and cultivating new relationships and solidifying established relationships to where people know you well, value what you say, and care about you. When this happens, you not only have a strong personal and business connection, you have a client for life that will continue to be an ongoing source of referrals

  1. No Business During a Party. Most would say, What! This is not only the 1st step to making this be successful but it’s probably the toughest to do.
  2. Be Thankful For the Relationships You Have. The two most magic words to someone, especially when not expecting to hear it, are “Thank You”. Your Thank You is not for anything specific, it’s for just being there for you and for all they do for you as a friend and as a client. Starting with a heartfelt Thank you, sets the tone of your interaction with them.
  3. Get to know people by letting them talk, the more they talk, the better you will get to know them and the closer they will feel to you because you simply let them talk, and when they do, most likely they talk about their favorite subject, themselves. This actually gives you everything you need to do business with them at another time, but not now.
  4. Ask questions about them and truly show your interest. While you ask questions about them also mix in some questions that will lead them to answers you with why they would need to work with you. Attorneys call this “Guided Discovery” asking questions that give you the answers you want. This is going to set the ground work for the next step
  5. When they ask, “So what is it that you do?” Simply tell them and quickly follow up with, “But we’re at a party and I’m enjoying our conversation. We can talk about that at another time, I’ll give you a call this week.
  6. As in everything we do, the fortune is in the follow up. Now you have gotten to know them, gained their trust, and they care about what you say because they asked you. This is now your opportunity to utilize everything they have spoken about and show them how you can help and be of value to them.

In the Philadelphia area?  I invite you to The Ultimate Holiday Networking Event Live at Stella Rossa, Philadelphia, Pa. Tuesday December 3rd 2013, 6pm. Here you will meet top business leaders and decision makers from all around the Philadelphia, South Jersey, and Delaware area. This is where you can put your networking skills to work and build a solid business network with true professionals that can help build your business. Just for reading this blog, use promo code: BTUN and get an additional $5 discount. Go To http://UltimateNetworkingEvent.Eventbrite.com to register.

To see a short video clip go to http://youtu.be/7ZJABAaKCOw

Now you can Network to build your Net Wealth.

Yours in Success,

Thomas Camarda

Thomas Camarda is a professional networker and speaks at networking events and seminars nationally. Thomas offers Networking training, both one-on-one or for your Networking Group.

Article Reprinting Instructions

Adding Content to Your Website or Publication is easy!

PLEASE NOTE: All articles and networking tips in this BLOG are written by Thomas Camarda. All reprints in magazines, periodicals, newsletters, newspapers, e Zines, on the Internet or on your own Website MUST receive the full written and expressed permission by Thomas Camarda. If you would like to request permission to “REPRINT” an article please email Thomas@TheUltimateNetworkingEvent.com with “REPRINT” in the subject line. Please specify which article from “Becoming The Ultimate Networker” you wish to reprint and where you will be reprinting it. If you reprint on a website, please include the URL and the date the reprint will appear. If you reprint in print media, please request the address you will sent the publication to.

CONDITIONS:  Once you have obtained permission, articles may be reprinted with the copyright notice, bio and links added at the end of each article as follows:

Copyright © 2012 – Thomas Camarda. Reprinted with permission. This article is adapted from “Becoming The Ultimate Networker” at http://BecomingTheUltimateNetworker.wordpress.com Thomas Camarda is a professional networker and speaks at networking events and seminars nationally. Thomas offers networking coaching, both one-on-one or for your Networking Group. Invite Thomas Camarda to speak to your group. Contact: Thomas Camarda Thomas@TheUltimateNetworkingEvent.com 732-744-4719

Add Thomas Camarda to your Social Media :

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Networking Rules of Engagement, The 1-2-3’s of Networking

When going to a networking event, one often walks into a room full of people that are already networking. So how do you join in the conversation, and when? It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3, when you follow these simple rules and let them guide you.

Rule 1 – 1 Person

As you walk in the room, scan for anyone standing alone. That’s the easy way, simply approach them and introduce yourself. Keep in mind, they are there for that very reason, so your introduction will be welcomed.

Rule 2 – 2 People

Anytime you see 2 people interacting, even if you know you just have to meet either one of them, just keep a mental note of who they are, and by no means, interrupt them. They are already engaged in a conversation and your interruption will be viewed as rude and intrusive. Simply take note, and circle back to them. Oh, by the way, don’t hover over them waiting for them to finish either.

Rule 3 – 3 people

This is the fun one. Anytime you see 3 people engaged in conversation at a networking event, feel free to introduce yourself  and simply ask, “May I join in?” This is typically and open conversation and if done properly will lead to 2 or more one-on-one conversations.

So remember the childhood phrase, “Red Light, Green Light, 1-2-3”

Red Light – 2 people, Don’t Approach

Green Light – 1 person, Approach

1-2-3(Groups of 3) – Feel Free to Join In

If you are in the Philadelphia area I invite you to My Ultimate Networking Event Live . Here you will meet top business leaders and decision makers from all around the Philadelphia, South Jersey, and Delaware area. This is where you can put your networking skills to work and build a solid business network with true professionals that can help build your business. Just for reading this blog, use promo code: BTUN and get an additional $5 discount. Go To http://UltimateNetworkingEvent.Eventbrite.com to register.

To see a short video clip go to http://youtu.be/7ZJABAaKCOw

Now you can Network to build your Net Wealth.

Yours in Success,

Thomas Camarda

Thomas Camarda is a professional networker and speaks at networking events and seminars nationally. Thomas offers Networking training, both one-on-one or for your Networking Group.

Article Reprinting Instructions

Adding Content to Your Website or Publication is easy!

PLEASE NOTE: All articles and networking tips in this BLOG are written by Thomas Camarda. All reprints in magazines, periodicals, newsletters, newspapers, e Zines, on the Internet or on your own Website MUST receive the full written and expressed permission by Thomas Camarda. If you would like to request permission to “REPRINT” an article please email Thomas@TheUltimateNetworkingEvent.com with “REPRINT” in the subject line. Please specify which article from “Becoming The Ultimate Networker” you wish to reprint and where you will be reprinting it. If you reprint on a website, please include the URL and the date the reprint will appear. If you reprint in print media, please request the address you will sent the publication to.

CONDITIONS:  Once you have obtained permission, articles may be reprinted with the copyright notice, bio and links added at the end of each article as follows:

Copyright © 2012 – Thomas Camarda. Reprinted with permission. This article is adapted from “Becoming The Ultimate Networker” at http://BecomingTheUltimateNetworker.wordpress.com Thomas Camarda is a professional networker and speaks at networking events and seminars nationally. Thomas offers networking coaching, both one-on-one or for your Networking Group. Invite Thomas Camarda to speak to your group. Contact: Thomas Camarda Thomas@TheUltimateNetworkingEvent.com 732-744-4719

Add Thomas Camarda to your Social Media :

Facebook  http://www.Facebook.com/thomascamarda
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High Touch Meets High Tech, Using Social Media In Networking. Becoming The Ultimate Networker

To some, networking is physically going out to events, to others it’s staying connected online. For successful network’s, it’s a mix of both.

Networking is a process made up of greet, meet and communicate. Going to a networking event is a great way to meet new people, and it works, as long as you properly communicate with those you meet. Social media such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, to name a few, are great ways to communicate and stay in touch with the people, already in your network, and those new to your network.

High Touch is what I like to call the personal, one on one, opportunities you get to meet new contacts. A handshake, and look in the eye, is something that can only be exchanged personally and can never be replaced by a phone call, email or social media web site. Here’s a question to ponder. You’re driving home after working late, it’s 10:30 at night. As you’re driving your tire blows out. Outside of roadside assistance, do you call someone or send out a dozen emails and see who show up? Sounds silly, but the only person you will call is the person you have a close relationship with. Now let’s take that analogy to your business. You have a project you need to have done by the end of the week, do you make the call to the person you know is best suited to assist, or post it blindly on the web. The stronger the relationships you build, the stronger the bond is created.

High Tech is what I like to call a great form of communication. High tech is any kind of electronic communication including email, and social media web sites. After you have met your contact, and made your connection, invite them to look at your social media profile. If you don’t have one, create one. In today’s fast-moving world it is imperative to be active in social media. This gives your network the opportunity to see what you are doing and what you are all about. Let’s use LinkedIn as an example. Note, no preference intended, you can use whatever social media site that you like. Be sure your profile is up to date and accurate and invite your new contact to connect with you. You can also add your profile web site address to your email signature, so others in your network can connect with you as well.

People love information, so give it to them. We all have one thing in our businesses that we are passionate about. Start a discussion group and write about that topic once a week, this is a great way to let people know exactly how much you know about your business and also gently reminds them the reason why they should call on you and refer you when it come time that their need arises in using your services. Start your own Blog, there are many ways to do this for free. Look at the popularity of the very Blog host you are reading, WordPress. This is a great way to communicate and help strengthen your bond with your network. Many social media websites offer ways to connect on other sites. For instance, when you post something to LinkedIn, it gives you the option to also post it to Twitter. When you add a new Blog post, it gives you the option to connect it to other media sites as well.

When using the High Touch Meets High Tech method of networking, you will not only build a strong network, you will build strong bonds.

Next Week’s Networking Tip: Networking Your Network. Your Referral Pipeline.

If you are in the Philadelphia area I invite you to My Ultimate Networking Event Live . Here you will meet top business leaders and decision makers from all around the Philadelphia, South Jersey, and Delaware area. This is where you can put your networking skills to work and build a solid business network with true professionals that can help build your business. Just for reading this blog, use promo code: BTUN and get an additional $5 discount. Go To http://TheUltimateNetworkingEvent-tcblog.Eventbrite.com to register.

To see a short video clip go to http://youtu.be/7ZJABAaKCOw

Now you can Network to build your Net Wealth.

Yours in Success,

Thomas Camarda

Thomas Camarda is a professional networker and speaks at networking events and seminars nationally. Thomas offers Networking coaching, both one-on-one or for your Networking Group.

Article Reprinting Instructions

Adding Content to Your Website or Publication is easy!

PLEASE NOTE: All articles and networking tips in this BLOG are written by Thomas Camarda. All reprints in magazines, periodicals, newsletters, newspapers, e Zines, on the Internet or on your own Website MUST receive the full written and expressed permission by Thomas Camarda. If you would like to request permission to “REPRINT” an article please email Thomas@TheUltimateNetworkingEvent.com with “REPRINT” in the subject line. Please specify which article from “Becoming The Ultimate Networker” you wish to reprint and where you will be reprinting it. If you reprint on a website, please include the URL and the date the reprint will appear. If you reprint in print media, please request the address you will sent the publication to.

CONDITIONS:  Once you have obtained permission, articles may be reprinted with the copyright notice, bio and links added at the end of each article as follows:

Copyright © 2012 – Thomas Camarda. Reprinted with permission. This article is adapted from “Becoming The Ultimate Networker” at http://BecomingTheUltimateNetworker.wordpress.com Thomas Camarda is a professional networker and speaks at networking events and seminars nationally. Thomas offers networking coaching, both one-on-one or for your Networking Group. Invite Thomas Camarda to speak to your group. Contact: Thomas Camarda Thomas@TheUltimateNetworkingEvent.com 732-744-4719

Add Thomas Camarda to your Social Media :

Facebook  http://www.Facebook.com/thomascamarda
Twitter : http://www.Twitter.com/thomascamarda
LinkedIn :  http://www.linkedin.com/in/thomascamarda
WordPress: http://BecomingTheUltimateNetworker.wordpress.com