Category Archives: graduate

Fatso, Not So Anymore

11 years ago today, July 30th 2003, I weighed 476 pounds and faced certain death within the Slide1
next 6 months. This was literally the most scariest night of my life, as I was about to undergo a Gastric Bypass surgery at 6am the next morning, July 31st 2003, in which, what my doctors said, was a 75% chance I would die during the surgery. As I write this my hands are actually trebling as I remember what was to happen over the coming 8 hours. This is my story.

In February 2003, I visited my doctor because I was experiencing something that has never happened to me before. I was constantly getting full from very little I was eating. To many, this wouldn’t seem to be a problem, to me it was. I loved food and loved to eat. So when I went to the doctor and told him this, I expected him to think it was absurd, but to my surprise he didn’t and told me that he wanted me to take sonograms and tests to prove to me what he and other doctors have said he has been warning me of all my life. I went in for the tests and a few days later I get a call from him telling me to come in for the results. I said I would make an appointment and come in, he said, “No come in now, I’m waiting” and hung up the phone. Well, I don’t have to tell you how concerned that made me as I rushed out to see him. When I get there, he brought me right in his office and told me that over 40% of my organs were infiltrated with fat and I wasn’t going to live to see Christmas. Not only that but he also told me how and said I was going to most likely die of congestive heart failure and die in my sleep. Imaging the shock I was in to hear such a thing. See at this time in my life, I had just lost my father to Leukemia. He was diagnosed and 9 months later gone. In his dying days he told me to please take care of myself and lose weight because now that he won’t be here who would the family turn to. At that time I was also the father to 9 year old triplets, 2 girls and 1 boy. Now I am facing certain death. So I asked him what I should do and he told me that Gastric Bypass surgery was my only option and because of the situation and medical condition I put myself in, there was a 75% chance of dying on the table. I accepted the fact of my death and went home to tell my wife. When I sit her down and tell her this story she immediately started crying and asked, “So what are you going to do now?” I said, “Nothing, I have no choice.” I never will forget the look on her face as it went blank. The tears stopped and anger set in as she said to me, ” You have never given up on anything in your life and you’re giving up on this? You just lost your father at 39 years old and you still can’t understand why he died. How do you think 39 year olds are going to make any sense out of losing their father?” I turned to her and said “What am I supposed to do? There is a 75% chance I would die during the surgery.” She replied “There’s a 100% chance you’re going to die anyway in a few months, at least go out fighting.” This is the moment that changed my life forever. Instead of feeling sorry for myself, I now was totally focused on taking the next steps toward finding the right doctor to perform this life threatening, but life changing surgery. At this time, what now seems so common place, Gastric Bypass surgery, was still being developed and new ways of doing it were still being found.

I asked my doctor for recommendations, he gave me a few, I interviewed them and could not be comfortable with any one of them. I then researched it myself and after interviewing a dozen different doctors I found Dr. Rafael Capella, I went to an informational seminar with about 50 other people and found him to be the one I wanted. I remember being so excited to find the right doctor, as he had me go through tests to make sure everything was going to be fine. He then set the date for December and I went back to my doctor to tell him the great news. When I went to my primary doctor to tell him this he asked if I had his card, I gave it to him and he immediately called Dr, Cappella. I sat there and wondered what was going on, that’s when his conversation started and I heard him say “You can cancel Thomas Camarda’s surgery, he won’t be alive for it in December.” Tears rolled down my face as I now knew all hope was gone, until my doctor forced the surgeon to move the date to July 31st. I don’t have to tell you how much of a hero I thought this man was.

As the time for the surgery drawn near, I remember the feeling of my legs giving out, my sleep apnea getting worse, my falling asleep at the wheel. I really thought i wasn’t going to make it to the surgery but the closer the date came the more excited I became to have it. On Saturday, July 26th, I had a huge party with over 150 people in my backyard for a barbeque, let’s face it, if I was Tommy Camping 2003going to die during this surgery, I wanted to see everyone before, so I called the party, “The Last Supper Party” everyone came and had a great time. I was going around so positive, telling people that next year at the same time I would have another party and the only difference was that I would be 225 pounds. Now I know that that was me losing over 250 pounds, but that what I intended to do and nothing could change my mind. The funny thing was that people were telling me not to worry about how much, even if I lose 50 or 100 pounds it’s ok. I love them all but what’s funny is how people put limitations on things they don’t even have a say in. I wasn’t going under a life threatening surgery to lose a few pounds. I’ve been on many diets in my life and have collectively lost over 1,000 pounds. All of them worked, I didn’t. This had to be the last one, so I wanted it all.

July 31st 2003 at 5am I arrived at Hackensack University Hospital, in Hackensack, NJ. I remember getting prepped for the surgery and now had a few minutes with my family, this was the most emotional time of my life. My wife, my 3 children and my mother were all there. This, what I felt, was my time to say goodbye to them all. I prepared a letter for each of them telling them how much I loved them. Gave the letters to my wife and told her to only open it and give them to everyone if I don’t make it. I realized that there was a 75% chance I was going to die within the next hour. What things go through a person’s head knowing this. Now they come into the room to take me for surgery, and I remember waving to the 4 people I loved the most in my life and as soon as they were out of sight, once again tears rolled down my face. All at once, I remembered something at that very moment. My Dad popped into my head and a conversation I had with him only a few months before his death. He told me “I know why I’m Dying”.  I asked “Why?” he replied, “I’m finished, I raised 3 beautiful kids with a women I loved all my life and you all are established and doing well. I did my job here and I’m ready to go home now. I’m finished.” Then the thought of him telling me to take care of myself and lose weight. I instantly jumped up and shouted “I’m Not Finished!” turned to God my father and said “God, Please get me through this, I know you will get me through this. I’m Not Finished, I Still Have Work To Do Here, Plenty Of Work To Do Here, Your Work To Do Here!” Suddenly a calm rolled over my entire body, I never felt before. I actually know that God’s hand touched me, he heard everything I said and came to me to let me know everything was going to be ok. I remember counting backwards from 100, I think I got to 97. 49 minutes later the was done, I wasn’t finished.

Coming out of this surgery was the most painful thing I have ever experienced in my life, I had what they call a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, The picture shows you what was done, but basically Roux-en-Y-stomach stapled diagramI was chopped, sliced, and diced and felt every bit of it, and it was all worth it. Every day I said to myself, “You’re going to be 225 pound wow, imaging that” Then I started actually dreaming what I would look like at 225 , I said it, thought it, and slept it every day and the weight was falling off me. No longer did I love food and loved to eat, I simply changed the way of thinking from, live to eat, to, eat to live, and it wasn’t that important to me anymore. I started looking at labels for fat content, and how much protein foods had. I was walking more, even running, I haven’t done that since I was a kid. But I refused to look at a scale, I didn’t even want to know how much I weighed or how much I was losing, even when the doctor weighed me every month on follow ups. I knew I was going to be 225 in a year and that was it.

Fast forward to Saturday, July 31st, 2004, 1 year to the day of my surgery. I promised everyone I would and I did, I threw a big party, invited all my friends and family and called it, the “If You Can See Me Now Party” I remember being up in my room looking out the window as everyone come in to the yard and as I was about to walk out I remembered I had to weigh myself. This would actually be the 1st time in a whole year and all I knew was “I better see 225”. I take the scale out, It was a digital scale, I placed it down on the floor, and hesitantly put my left foot on it. As I watched the numbers flickering I remember being so nervous as I put my right foot on the scale. I didn’t even want to look and was staring myself in the mirror. Then all at once I dropped my head to see what the number read and shouted, “YES!!!” and jumped off the scale. I was so shocked I had to jump back on to be sure I wasn’t nuts, and now with all the confidence I have put both feet on the scale watching as the numbers flickered and stopped at … 224.7. What a total success I felt, as though I can rule the world. I now felt If I can pix28
do this I can do anything. Now it’s time to great my guests, many of which have not seen me in a whole year since I was 476 pounds. I never will forget the looks on the faces of my friends and family as I walked out the door to the song “If they can see me now” What the mind can do, all I thought and lived the whole year was knowing I was going to be 225 pound on this very day, I go weigh myself to actually come in 3 tenths of a pound less without even looking at a scale in a whole year.

The following year I lost another 73 pounds and have maintained my weight of around 160 pound till today. In the last 11 years I have devoted my life to helping others do things they have felt they would never accomplish.  No, you can’t just speak words and it will happen, you speak word into action and they happen. in 2009 I started helping people connect through networking and teaching people communication and business relationship skills and started The Ultimate Networking Group. Through this group and it’s events, we have helped tens of thousands of business people succeed. I write this with the hope of touching the life of people that think they have a lost cause, that can never accomplish something because they feel it’s impossible. don’t ever try to do anything, just keep doing it till it works, and watch what will happen.

At the bottom I’ve added a few links if you want to know more about where I went for my surgery and the people who helped me.

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Copyright © 2014 – Thomas Camarda.

To contact Thomas Camarda fill out the form below:

Thomas Camarda is a professional networker, expert in his field, and speaks at networking events and seminars nationally. Thomas offers Networking training, both one-on-one or for your Networking Group.

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PLEASE NOTE: All articles and networking tips in this BLOG are written by Thomas Camarda. All reprints in magazines, periodicals, newsletters, newspapers, e Zines, on the Internet or on your own Website MUST receive the full written and expressed permission by Thomas Camarda. If you would like to request permission to “REPRINT” an article please email with “REPRINT” in the subject line. Please specify which article from “Becoming The Ultimate Networker” you wish to reprint and where you will be reprinting it. If you reprint on a website, please include the URL and the date the reprint will appear. If you reprint in print media, please request the address you will sent the publication to. CONDITIONS: Once you have obtained permission, articles may be reprinted with the copyright notice, bio and links added at the end of each article as follows: Copyright © 2014 – Thomas Camarda. Reprinted with permission. This article is adapted from “Becoming The Ultimate Networker” at Thomas Camarda is a professional networker and speaks at networking events and seminars nationally. Thomas offers networking coaching, both one-on-one or for your Networking Group. Invite Thomas Camarda to speak to your group. 

Contact: Thomas Camarda – – 732-744-4719 

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5 Powerful Questions to ask at a Networking Event.

The Big W- Who, What, When, Where, Why. These 5 words are used by children more times a day than adults, ask any parent and they will tell you. A Newsweek article from 2010, The Creativity Crisis, says “Preschool children, on average, ask their parents about 100 questions a day.” 

Question imageBasically, it’s curiosity that drives them and they don’t stop until they get the answer they want. The same technique works at a networking event, and the same 5 words that we used as children work as well today as they did then.

Here are 5 questions to ask to get the conversation going and keep your new connection engaged.


  1. Just out of curiosity, Why do you attend networking events? Have you ever notice the body language of someone when you ask a question? When you start a conversation with “Just out of curiosity” notice how most people will move in towards you. That’s because, by merely using the word curiosity, you have spiked their curiosity and now they’re listening and you’ve got their attention. This question is also a comfortable question to get them talking. You’re both at a networking event , so obviously it is something you both have in common and it gives you the bottom line on the real reason they are there.
  2. Where else do you network? This question is good for a novice or a professional networker. If someone says that they really don’t do allot of networking because they don’t know of many other groups, you can be the knight in shining armor and invite them to other events you go to. If they start rattling off a list of other groups listen for the ones you attend, you may very well have common ground in finding that you know many of the same people and very well learn of a few other group you may like to attend.
  3. What do you like best about what you do? This is one of my favorite questions because it’s really 2 questions in one. What do you like best about what you do also answers the question “So what do you do?” This question, unlike the same old, What do you do, gets people in conversation mode rather than just giving you a short answer.
  4. When did you get started in that direction? This gives your new contact a chance to tell a story and people love telling stories, especially when the story is about themselves.
  5. Who can I help you meet? Now that you know what your new contact is all about, this is your opportunity to show them that you care and will be a valuable addition to their network. People don’t care what you know until they know that you care. Listen for the types of people they want to meet that you can introduce them to later or maybe even at that very same event.

So, why should you use these very specific questions? Have you ever notice that the very questions you ask someone are the same questions they ask of you? This is a way for you to give them your story because they will most likely ask you the very same questions and now they truly want to know.

it is very important that you stay on topic during conversation, and listen attentively. The information your new contact is giving you is very important to them and if your fidgeting and trying to get a word in it will show that you are not truly interested and you just want to give them your pitch. Learn to listen twice as much as you speak and the results will amaze you.


Put these valuable tips to good use, at The Ultimate Networking Event Live. Since 2009 The Ultimate Networking Event has connected ten’s of thousands of business professionals. See our events at 

Please feel free to join my Group on LinkedIn: The Ultimate Networking Event Live – 

Subscribe to my weekly blog: 

Copyright © 2014 – Thomas Camarda.

To contact Thomas Camarda fill out the form below:

Thomas Camarda is a professional networker, expert in his field, and speaks at networking events and seminars nationally. Thomas offers Networking training, both one-on-one or for your Networking Group.

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PLEASE NOTE: All articles and networking tips in this BLOG are written by Thomas Camarda. All reprints in magazines, periodicals, newsletters, newspapers, e Zines, on the Internet or on your own Website MUST receive the full written and expressed permission by Thomas Camarda. If you would like to request permission to “REPRINT” an article please email with “REPRINT” in the subject line. Please specify which article from “Becoming The Ultimate Networker” you wish to reprint and where you will be reprinting it. If you reprint on a website, please include the URL and the date the reprint will appear. If you reprint in print media, please request the address you will sent the publication to. CONDITIONS: Once you have obtained permission, articles may be reprinted with the copyright notice, bio and links added at the end of each article as follows: Copyright © 2014 – Thomas Camarda. Reprinted with permission. This article is adapted from “Becoming The Ultimate Networker” at Thomas Camarda is a professional networker and speaks at networking events and seminars nationally. Thomas offers networking coaching, both one-on-one or for your Networking Group. Invite Thomas Camarda to speak to your group. 

Contact: Thomas Camarda – – 732-744-4719 

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#Networking #Theultimatenetworkingevent #ultimatenetworking #thomascamarda #networkinginphiladelphia

5 Career Networking Steps to Maximize Success

Having a successful career doesn’t come overnight, as a matter of fact, the only overnight success I know worked overnight to get there. Building, creating, and cultivating execs-at-workrelationships is what networking is all about and when building a successful career, communication skills are key. Business networking is not only a great way to build new business, it’s also a great way to build, strengthen and advance your career while strengthening your communication skills and positioning yourself as an expert in your field. Here are 5 steps to help guide you.

  1. To get to the top, learn from the top. It has been said that you become like the 5 people you spend the most time with. Seek out the professionals in your company that you would like to know that have what you would like to have in terms of knowledge, position, and respect from peers and co-workers. Introduce yourself to them and ask them questions about how they got started, what they did to gain their success, and such. Let them know that you strive to be as successful as they are and want to learn from them. I found that inviting someone to lunch is a great way to get to know them and they are very open to helping you. It also gives you exclusive time with them without interruption from work or others. This is where you have the time to ask those important questions and create the business relationship.
  2. Engage in your company’s events. Whether it be business breakfasts, luncheons, dinners, outings, and such. showing up to everything shows you’re serious about excelling in the company you’re in.
  3.  Be the Go-To person amongst your peers and co-workers. If you have the mindset of “I just want to do my job and get out of here” you will just blend in to the majority, and its noticeable to the leaders of the company. Do all you can to do your job well while helping other with their projects. This show leadership and ambition and it also turns the heads of company leadership and gets you noticed.
  4.  Grow your social network with business leaders. LinkedIn is the largest professional social network in the world with thousands and thousands of successful business people in your profession. Find your company and be sure that your profile includes them. Search for your company’s leadership and connect to them. Seek out professionals that can help you grow, and connect to them. Join the groups and follow the influencers that can help you learn more about the industry you’re in. Engage in discussions by commenting and giving your input. Write articles on topics of your expertise. This will help you in positioning yourself as an expert in your field.
  5. Attend Business Networking Events. There are many reasons to attend live networking events. The main reason, which has an effect on everything, is to create and build new business relationships. These relationships not only help you create new business, they also help you know what is happening in your market, help you better understand who your competition is and what they are doing to grow their business. It helps you keep your finger on the pulse of your business and industry. You will meet other professionals that do what you do and call them your competition, but it’s better to have allies than enemies.

Put these valuable tips to good use, at The Ultimate Networking Event Live. Since 2009 The Ultimate Networking Event has connected ten’s of thousands of business professionals. See our events at Please feel free to join my Group on LinkedIn: The Ultimate Networking Event Live – Subscribe to my weekly blog: Copyright © 2014 – Thomas Camarda. To contact Thomas Camarda fill out the form below:

Thomas Camarda is a professional networker, expert in his field, and speaks at networking events and seminars nationally. Thomas offers Networking training, both one-on-one or for your Networking Group.

Article Reprinting Instructions

Adding Content to Your Website or Publication is easy!

PLEASE NOTE: All articles and networking tips in this BLOG are written by Thomas Camarda. All reprints in magazines, periodicals, newsletters, newspapers, e Zines, on the Internet or on your own Website MUST receive the full written and expressed permission by Thomas Camarda. If you would like to request permission to “REPRINT” an article please email with “REPRINT” in the subject line. Please specify which article from “Becoming The Ultimate Networker” you wish to reprint and where you will be reprinting it. If you reprint on a website, please include the URL and the date the reprint will appear. If you reprint in print media, please request the address you will sent the publication to. CONDITIONS: Once you have obtained permission, articles may be reprinted with the copyright notice, bio and links added at the end of each article as follows: Copyright © 2014 – Thomas Camarda. Reprinted with permission. This article is adapted from “Becoming The Ultimate Networker” at Thomas Camarda is a professional networker and speaks at networking events and seminars nationally. Thomas offers networking coaching, both one-on-one or for your Networking Group. Invite Thomas Camarda to speak to your group. Contact: Thomas Camarda – – 732-744-4719 Add Thomas Camarda to your Social Media : LinkedIn : Twitter : WordPress:

5 Habits of Successful Business Networkers.

It’s not just what you know, it’s who you know, that knows, what you know. Increasing business is the goal of every company, but the fact of the matter is, people do business with people they know, like and trust, not companies. Of course companies get the business, but it’s people who make it happen and business networking connects you with those people. Whatever it is that you need to become the success you want to be, is only one connection away.

Here are 5 habits of highly successful business networkers that will help you build your professional business network.

  1. networkerAlways Keep Your Online Profile Updated. Do an online search of your own name and see what shows up. Would you do business with you? In today’s world it is so important to have an online presence and making sure your profile is up to date at all times. Get a professional head shot and use it in your profile. Update projects you’ve completed, goals you have accomplished, business awards you have won, and educational levels you have achieved.
  2. Always Have Business Cards. Although many people are of the thought that they don’t need business cards because of technology, I believe that as long as the Baby Boomer generation exists, you need legible business cards. They don’t have to be fancy and they don’t have to give your life story. Keep it short, sweet, and simple. A business card is simply your contact information, who you are and how someone can get in touch with you. Name, phone and cell number, physical address (if you work from one and meet clients there), email address, and website, in nothing smaller than 9 point type with no picture behind the type.
  3. Personal Visibility, Business Networking Events. An email or a phone call will never replace the feeling of shaking someone’s hand and looking them in the eye. Emotion is a tremendous part of the decision-making process and you don’t get an emotional response from an email or phone call from someone you don’t know. You do, however, get an emotional response from meeting someone for the first time, looking them in the eye, shaking their hand, and getting to know them. Remember, people like to do business with people they know, get to know people. Schedule at least 1 networking event a week.
  4. Smile, Listen and Learn. It’s been said that people don’t care what you know until they know that you care. It’s also been said that you have one mouth and two ears because you are supposed to listen twice as much as you speak. I say, use your mouth to smile and ask questions. Smiling puts everyone at ease and makes them smile. Questions gives the other person something to talk about and a feeling of control. The funny thing is, is that the questions you ask should guide them to feeling comfortable with you, and to the answers you seek about doing business with them. Smile, speak less and listen attentively, most of the time people will talk themselves into wanting to refer to you and do business with you.
  5. The Fortune is in The Follow Up. Most importantly, make sure to follow-up with everyone you meet within 3 days. The faster you follow-up with them, the more they will remember, so the sooner, the better. This is where you can have more of an opportunity to get to know them and how you can help them grow their business and yours as well with what you have to offer each other. This can be in form of direct business, or referrals, either way, it a Win-Win, and the beginning of a strong business relationship.

I hope this helps you in building a strong professional business network. Happy networking.

Put these valuable habits to good use, at The Ultimate Networking Event Live.
Since 2009 The Ultimate Networking Event has connected ten’s of thousands of business professionals. See our events at

Please feel free to join my Group on LinkedIn:
The Ultimate Networking Event Live –

Subscribe to my weekly blog:

Copyright © 2014 – Thomas Camarda.

To contact Thomas Camarda fill out the form below:

Thomas Camarda is a professional networker, expert in his field, and speaks at networking events and seminars nationally. Thomas offers Networking training, both one-on-one or for your Networking Group.

Article Reprinting Instructions

Adding Content to Your Website or Publication is easy!

PLEASE NOTE: All articles and networking tips in this BLOG are written by Thomas Camarda. All reprints in magazines, periodicals, newsletters, newspapers, e Zines, on the Internet or on your own Website MUST receive the full written and expressed permission by Thomas Camarda. If you would like to request permission to “REPRINT” an article please email with “REPRINT” in the subject line. Please specify which article from “Becoming The Ultimate Networker” you wish to reprint and where you will be reprinting it. If you reprint on a website, please include the URL and the date the reprint will appear. If you reprint in print media, please request the address you will sent the publication to.

CONDITIONS: Once you have obtained permission, articles may be reprinted with the copyright notice, bio and links added at the end of each article as follows:

Copyright © 2014 – Thomas Camarda. Reprinted with permission. This article is adapted from “Becoming The Ultimate Networker” at

Thomas Camarda is a professional networker and speaks at networking events and seminars nationally. Thomas offers networking coaching, both one-on-one or for your Networking Group. Invite Thomas Camarda to speak to your group. Contact: Thomas Camarda – – 732-744-4719

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6 Tips For Summer Networking Success.

“Summertime, and the living is easy,” and so is creating new contacts and connections. During the summer months, business networking events seem to cool down, but outdoor social events definitely heat up and everyone loves to have a good time. This is the perfect environment to create and build, long lasting relationships that could very well lead to big business. 6 Tips Summer Whether it’s on the Sports Fields, Play Grounds, Vacation, Theme Parks, Neighborhood Festivals, or BBQ’s you are going to constantly meet new people. This is where “Unintentional Networking” happens. Why is it “Unintentional Networking” ? Because this is the time that we often don’t look at what we are doing as networking, rather just enjoying ourselves with family and friends, but in actuality these are the closest connections we have, and if paid attention to and approached properly, they can become some of your most valued business connections. Here are 6 suggestions on how to make summertime networking work for you.

  1. Always Be Prepared, Carry Business Cards. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve gone to personal functions and have asked for someone’s business card and they did not have one to give. Always have 5-10 cards on hand .
  2. Talk About Them, Ask Questions and Pay Close Attentions. The one thing I’ve learned over my 30 plus years of networking, people’s favorite subject is themselves. All you need to do is ask the questions, let them talk, and most important, pay close attention. People love to talk about their kids, so ask about their children and grandchildren. Ask about their home and if they are still living the same place, ask about their careers. You can be the catalyst to get them into full story mode, then just sit back, enjoy the conversation and listen, by listening attentively you will know if you will be able to connect professionally with them.
  3. Never Talk Business at a Non-Business Event. Always remember where you are and you will never overstep your bounds. Whether at a family or friend’s gathering, or on line at a theme park, remember you are out to have fun enjoying the summer, these are not business associates, that’s why you don’t talk business. If they do, don’t correct them, let them speak, but when they ask you about business, simply answer very briefly and follow it up with something like, “Hey, I don’t want to bore you with business talk here, let’s set a time to get together and see what we can do.” This keeps it social and they will know you are respecting there time as well.
  4. Tying Down A Time To Connect. This literally takes about 1 minute. This is where you ask  “What’s the best way to get in touch with you?”, take out your phone and take their number and email address Then ask 3 simple questions:
  • ” What’s the best time to call you, is ____day or ____day better?
  • “What’s better,  Morning Afternoon or Evening ?
  • “Great is 7:15 good or 8:30 better?

Multiple choice is always easier, having them choose a day and time out of their week is a lot tougher than simply picking one from the choices you’re giving. By giving them choices, you break down the barriers of confusion and they tend to remember you are calling them because they picked their own time to speak to you.

While you have your phone out, put them in your calendar. I like to use Google calendar for this. Add them to your schedule and be sure to add them as a participant so your system will send them an email with your scheduled appointment and also send them a reminder. Remember this is a social function, so they will need to be reminded of your call.

  1. Connect Through Social Media. You would be surprised to find that the people that are close to you, really don’t know exactly what you do. Connecting with them on Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter and other sites will prompt them to get to know you more. Remember, you had them speak more about themselves while and they’ve realized that they don’t know you as much as you know them, you’ve created curiosity and now they want to know you.
  2. Be On Time. This is where most people fail, Be sure to call them or meet with them at exactly the time you have scheduled them. Understand that you have created curiosity and they are most likely looking forward to your call or meeting. At this point they have probably read your social media profile and they may have came up with a way to work with you. This is really your 1st impression to them, don’t mess it up.

The Ultimate Networking Event.  In Philadelphia, New Jersey , Delaware area? I invite you to attend The Ultimate Networking Event Live, Philadelphia, South Jersey and Delaware’s Premier Business to Business Networking Event since 2009. Register Now at To contact Thomas Camarda fill out the form below:

Thomas Camarda is a professional networker, expert in his field, and speaks at networking events and seminars nationally. Thomas offers Networking training, both one-on-one or for your Networking Group. Article Reprinting Instructions Adding Content to Your Website or Publication is easy! PLEASE NOTE: All articles and networking tips in this BLOG are written by Thomas Camarda. All reprints in magazines, periodicals, newsletters, newspapers, e Zines, on the Internet or on your own Website MUST receive the full written and expressed permission by Thomas Camarda. If you would like to request permission to “REPRINT” an article please email with “REPRINT” in the subject line. Please specify which article from “Becoming The Ultimate Networker” you wish to reprint and where you will be reprinting it. If you reprint on a website, please include the URL and the date the reprint will appear. If you reprint in print media, please request the address you will sent the publication to. CONDITIONS: Once you have obtained permission, articles may be reprinted with the copyright notice, bio and links added at the end of each article as follows: Copyright © 2014 – Thomas Camarda. Reprinted with permission. This article is adapted from “Becoming The Ultimate Networker” at Thomas Camarda is a professional networker and speaks at networking events and seminars nationally. Thomas offers networking coaching, both one-on-one or for your Networking Group. Invite Thomas Camarda to speak to your group. Contact: Thomas Camarda 732-744-4719 Add Thomas Camarda to your Social Media : Facebook Twitter : LinkedIn : WordPress:

If I Were 22, Advice For the Class of 2014 and Young Professionals.

This article is written for the graduating class of 2014 and young professionals, with the hope of helping to guide them as they embark on the journey of fulfilling their hopes and dreams, and also to face their fears as they move towards their ultimate success. #IfIWere22

If only I knew then what I know now.               

If you are going on a journey you need a road map or you will travel aimlessly. One of the most important things a young professional can do is map out your journey of success. What will I use as a map, one may ask? Your map is made by setting your goals, writing them down, and keep them in front of you at all times. It seems so easy, but believe it or not, less than 5% actually take the time to do this.

When I was 22 someone told me about this and I paid no attention to it. I thought “How can simply writing down my goals actually make me more successful? Just go and do it!” But because of the source of this advise, a man I highly respected , I did what he said and wrote my goals down. One of my goals was to start a small retail outlet to earn additional income. After writing them down I wound up tucking them away in my nightstand draw and forgot I ever did it. The year was 1985 and I was 21 years old. I remember it vividly because of the power of what happened next.

At that time I lived in Brooklyn, NY and was a NY Mets fan. As I followed the team I noticed, early in the 1986 season, a bunch of NY Mets video tapes were being produced and thought this would be a great way to make some money. In June of 1986, at a Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce Networking Event, I found a wholesale video distributor that carried a variety of NY Mets video tapes, recapping the best of their games since 1969. I then looked for a location in Brooklyn where I can have an outlet to sell them. In July I contracted a small space in what was then called the Ave I Market, It was only open weekends Friday through Sunday and cost only $165 a weekend. I contracted that space and invested $500 in these video tapes. As the season progressed more and more New Yorker’s were getting excited to see the Amazing Mets and more and more of these videos were selling. The Mets went on to win the 1986 World Series and my little 10 foot by 12 foot booth in this market became the place to get Mets videos.

Shortly after the Mets won the World Series they came out with a dozen different commemorative video tapes recapping the 1986 season and that was just in time for the holiday season. Then the market announced they would open 7 days a week from November to January. The rent doubled and sales quadrupled. By the end of the holiday season, my $500 investment paid all the rent for the space and net profit was over $25,000. I continued in that small space until that market closed.

Sometime in 1987 I misplaced an important document and rummaged through drawers all over my house. To my surprise, I came across the goals I have written down in 1985 and recognized that the one goal I wanted most at that time had been fulfilled. Now mind you I didn’t even look at this in over 2 years and it had come to fruition. That’s when I realized the power of setting written goals. Since then I have written goals, accomplished them, set new ones. I keep them in front of me at all times realizing that they are my road map to success.

Recipe for Success.

Although many years have passed since then, and much success in my life has been achieved, I still am not where I want to be in life. My hope for you is the same for me, I never want to be. I always want to keep striving to be at a better place than I am.

I don’t claim to know everything about success, but I know one thing about the recipe for success.

Here it is

  • 2% motivation,
  • 3% inspiration,
  • 10% determination.
  • 85% Failure

Failure is the main ingredient to success and everything you want in life is on the other side of a person’s fear to fail. That’s why most people don’t succeed, simply because they are afraid to fail. Conquer your fear, move forward, fail forward and succeed.

Determination is the second most important part of this recipe. Your desire to succeed will drive you through your failures.

Inspiration, the 3rd most important. Be inspired by people who have achieved the success you desire. Keep these people around you. Create your inner circle of success. As the saying goes, “Hang around dogs and you’ll catch fleas”. You will become the combination of the top 5 people you spend the most time with, choose them carefully. If you can’t change the people you spend time with, than change the people you spend time with.

And finally Motivation. People may think motivation should be higher on the list. I say anyone can be motivated to do anything, but rarely do it. Most successful people will achieve their success because they were inspired to by someone they look up to, not someone they heard speak for an hour and never heard from them again. Although motivation is important in this recipe for success, it is the least important. If you are going to be motivated, get motivated by those who inspire you to accomplish great things.

The best advice I can give to you, the young professional entering today’s business world is one word, Listen. The saying goes ‘God gave you two ears and one mouth, listen twice as much as you speak.” Pay close attention to someone when they speak to you. Most everything you want to accomplish with them will be revealed to you by what they say. You will find that, rather selling them on your idea, product or service, you will be, fulfilling their needs and they will be thankful for it.

One last thing I will say to you in closing is…Never, Never Quit. #IfIWere22

In Philadelphia, New Jersey , Delaware area? I invite you to attend The Ultimate Networking Event Live, Philadelphia, South Jersey and Delaware’s Premier Business to Business Networking Event since 2009.

Register Now at

To contact Thomas Camarda fill out the form below:

Thomas Camarda is a professional networker, expert in his field, and speaks at networking events and seminars nationally. Thomas offers Networking training, both one-on-one or for your Networking Group.

Article Reprinting Instructions

Adding Content to Your Website or Publication is easy!

PLEASE NOTE: All articles and networking tips in this BLOG are written by Thomas Camarda. All reprints in magazines, periodicals, newsletters, newspapers, e Zines, on the Internet or on your own Website MUST receive the full written and expressed permission by Thomas Camarda. If you would like to request permission to “REPRINT” an article please email with “REPRINT” in the subject line. Please specify which article from “Becoming The Ultimate Networker” you wish to reprint and where you will be reprinting it. If you reprint on a website, please include the URL and the date the reprint will appear. If you reprint in print media, please request the address you will sent the publication to.

CONDITIONS: Once you have obtained permission, articles may be reprinted with the copyright notice, bio and links added at the end of each article as follows:

Copyright © 2014 – Thomas Camarda. Reprinted with permission. This article is adapted from “Becoming The Ultimate Networker” at Thomas Camarda is a professional networker and speaks at networking events and seminars nationally. Thomas offers networking coaching, both one-on-one or for your Networking Group. Invite Thomas Camarda to speak to your group.

Contact: Thomas Camarda


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